Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The story of the cleaning agent statue in Bratislava

Do you know the story of this statue in Bratislava, Slovakia?

Status of cleaning agent

In the city of "Bratislava", there was a young man fond of a girl exchange the same feelings and will of love, until the time to talk about work said, "Im a cleaner," leaving him without a farewell and after a short period promised him to drink coffee with him, after that he remained waiting for her every day  at the same time with sincere and innocent feeling of love.. He remained waiting for her in the same place until the death of the cleaner and was erected by the government statue and built a cafe next to him to come lovers and people to drink coffee with him and express their love and solidarity & sympathy with him!

Status of lovers Bratislava

The hat changed color and became soft and smooth from the impact of visitors. greeting him by wiping his head in their hands as act of respect and sympathy.


External links:
I Support #Greenpeace
Green cleaning
Cleaning Agent 

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